[video] Obama ‘My Muslim faith’ slip has critics reeling

Well as this the campaign winds down tensions are high as we get closer and closer to the November election. So misspeaks and gaffes are sure to pop up amongst the canidates and their surogates. Sen. Barack Obama has probably made one that will haunt him no matter what the outcome of the election. Check out below what has got his critics reeling:

“Let’s not play games,” he said. “What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you’re absolutely right that that has not come.”

via Washington Times

ST. LOUIS, Mo. – Sen. Barack Obama‘s foes seized Sunday upon a brief slip of the tongue, when the Democratic presidential nominee was outlining his Christianity but accidentally said, “my Muslim faith.”

The three words — immediately corrected — were during an exchange with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on “This Week,” when he was trying to criticize the quiet smear campaign suggesting he is a Muslim.

But illustrating the difficulty of preventing false rumors about his faith from spreading, anti-Obama groups within one hour of the interview had sliced it out of context and were sending it around via email. They also were blogging about it.

“The McCain campaign has never suggested you have Muslim connections,” said Mr. Stephanopoulos, who repeatedly interrupted Mr. Obama during the interview.

“I don’t think that when you look at what is being promulgated on Fox News, let’s say, and Republican commentators who are closely allied to these folks,” Mr Obama responded, and Mr. Stephanopoulos interrupted: “But John McCain said that’s wrong.”

Mr. Obama noted that when Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin “was forced” to talk about her pregnant 17-year-old daughter, he issued a forceful statement to reporters that the line of inquiry was “off limits.” But he said the McCain campaign tried to tie him to “liberal blogs that support Obama” and are “attacking Governor Palin.”

“Let’s not play games,” he said. “What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you’re absolutely right that that has not come.”

Mr. Stephanopoulos interrupted with, “Christian faith.”

“My Christian faith,” Mr. Obama said quickly. “Well, what I’m saying is that he hasn’t suggested that I’m a Muslim. And I think that his campaign’s upper echelons have not, either. What I think is fair to say is that, coming out of the Republican camp, there have been efforts to suggest that perhaps I’m not who I say I am when it comes to my faith — something which I find deeply offensive, and that has been going on for a pretty long time.”

17 thoughts on “[video] Obama ‘My Muslim faith’ slip has critics reeling

  1. It’s less evolved viewpoint to think one must be the culture or religion they are born or raised in. Fortunately we have the opportunity to be whatever we want to be in America.

  2. FOR ALL TO SAY, Just a clue when you all have been evident of his inaugural speech. I am saying that i am an atheist, 20 yr old, born and raised Muslim. and even if i am an atheist, that doesn’t make me one who can dare oppose Islam. Remember, so A MUSLIM BY BIRTH IS A MUSLIM FOREVER, what ever the cloak he has to wear for the ruthless and idiots to see

  3. This is for the ones who are brainwashed by Barry Obama yeah look that name up… open your eyes America this is not right wing propaganda this man is a danger to this country

  4. Obama is a muslim! No matter what you say to cover it up, you know it is true. When people lie they look away from the person they are lieing to. In the video, Obama, after lieing about his “Christian” religion, looks away from the camera and tries to play it off like he slipped up. You are right, he did slip up. He slipped up about his real religion.

  5. Why can’t I find that “oops” I slipped video anywhere on the net. Some really tight damage control which scares the daylight out of me!!!!

  6. Those who are saying that people are connecting muslim with the terrorists islamic muslims are just not paying attention. I do believe obama IS a muslim. I do not think he is a terrorist but due to his past and present associations with radical groups and people makes me believe he does lean more sympathy towards these groups. Ayers in the 70’s and even in the present leaves a very strong suspicion. And his association with rev Wright and his nasty, racists hate filled remarks is also suspicious. I am a christian and I do realize others beliefs. But as a “whitey’ that rev Wright despises, I could not go into his so called christian church and feel welcome. Especially during one of those rant on whitey sermons. NO WHERE in the Bible is such hatred of a fellow human being condoned. A Christian would not condone not aiding a baby who was born because he/she survived an Abortion. obama’s voting record is not condusive to the Christian faith. Now lets go back to the muslim and radical muslim connection. No, I do not believe he is a radical islamic fundamentalists terrorists. I do believe he is NOT a christion but only pretends to get votes. Tha church he attends can call themselves anything they want, but its what they practice that tells the story. Do I believe he is a muslim. Yes. And that is fine. What bothers me is why he would use so much energy to control what is put out about him. Why does he say he’s christian yet will not deny outright his muslim religion? And if he is muslim, why does he hide it. He stands for nothing as his who human existance has been.
    For the record, we have NO candidate to be hopeful about. But we do have one candidate to be extremely worried about. This so called slip, makes me worry even more. As a christian, one would not make that slip of the tongue unless there is some truth behind it. Obama may be a nice man outwardly, but I do believe he is very detrimental to our country and our existence as being a sovereign nation.

  7. I don’t believe Obama is a Muslim. I do know that Obama is a member of a church that teaches Liberation Theology which has very close ties to the black Muslim movement in the US. Jeremiah Wright teaches a theology that holds close to the idea that Islam and Christianity worship the same god. So, while I believe that Obama in his mind is a Christian, he has very close ties to Islam. Some people feel that Islam is a religion of peace and I have yet to see it born out in the deeds of the faith with regards to their most vocal element.

  8. Yeah, that was just misspoken on Obama’s part. If we called Bush on everything he misspoke we could rightfully peg him as the retard he is.

  9. Just look how cool and collected he when he said that, despite the many interruptions. I think anyone would have a hard time getting your point across when someone is constantly jumping in with a blurp. His mind was on “faith” in general and the fact that McCain wasn’t making accusations, end of sentence. Educated folks will tell you that there isn’t much difference between Islam and Christianity anyway. People need to lighten up and stop being so ignorant. Read a book on Understanding Islam, would ya?

  10. Does anyone else feel that to *accuse* someone of being a Muslim is an attack on the Muslim faith in general? Is it really wrong to be a Muslim? I’m so sick of the assumed connection between Islam and terrorism.

    Nazis? Christian!
    KKK? Christian!
    Salem With Trials? Christian!
    Spanish Inquisition? Christian!

    Ignorance is almost palpable in this debate. Quit watching television, and read a damned book.

  11. As for me, someone whose mother language is not English even knows that he was talking about my “Muslim faith” clearly a phrase that had been discussed in a segment of interview, thus it wasn’t a slip. He tried explaining that my “Muslim faith” is a fabricated issue. George Stephanopoulos on the other hand didn’t catch it up and carelessly tried to ‘correct’ him.

    It is ridiculously interesting to see that Obama who has been claiming his Christian faith over and over again and a lot of people still don’t believe him. Seems like they know his faith better than himself does. Is this one of the best things American politics can offer to the world?

  12. I am a Muslim. I am not American Muslim but I am of the Islamic faith. Over a billion other human beings in this globalised world are Muslims like me. I am proud of my chosen faith (by birth).

    I am rooting for Senator Barack Obama to become the next US President come November ’08. Doesn’t matter he used to be a Muslim when he was young or not. He may be an African-American but to me Mr Obama has what it takes to be the Commander-in-Chief of America. Ever since I first saw him on CNN delivering his inaugural speech at the Democratic Convention five years ago, I knew he would be the ‘chosen one’ to become the first Black President of the USA one day and not a day too soon, I may add.

    I even told my two young kids then while watching Senator Barack Obama on TV that the way he mesmerised the Democratic delegates at the 2003 Convention (including world viewers like me) made my goose bumps stood! That was how charismatic Mr Obama, the young Illinois Senator impressed me the first time I saw him speak.

    And I believe I was not the only one who was amazed at that young, up and coming senator then. If anything, Barack Obama symbolizes HOPE! It is with great hope that the US and the American People should vote for Senator Barack Obama as the new Chief Executive of USA Inc to bring back the superpower glory that was lost incommunicado with the rest of the world.

    His forefathers were Muslims as were many other Afro-Americans’ were, too. No harm in going back to your roots as the Lord Almighty wills one to… 🙂 Remember Kunta Kinte of Roots’ fame?

  13. A fake what? A fake Christian? He worked for three years after college helping in a community torn apart by Republican economic policies that sent the jobs of steelworkers overseas. You wouldn’t understand such humanity if you spent your entire life being a selfish tool.

  14. oh please, are you serious!!! Do you also believe the moon landing was fake? If you have a slight understanding of the english language, and remove your hate goggles for a minute, you could see that what was said made sense in the context of the conversation and in no way implies he is muslim. Could it have been phrased better? Probably. The Rev. Wright silliness was discussed and used by right-wingers for weeks and now all of a sudden he is muslim. People can we please talk about issues.

  15. what happens when you push him in a corner???? watch his eyes and hear his studder….. now will the world wake up please! he is a fake!!!

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